Indonesian to English Most Common 1000 Words


Indonesian to English Most Common 1000 Words
Indonesian to English Most Common 1000 Words

Indonesian (bahasa Indonesia) is the official language of Indonesia. It is a standardized variety of Malay an Austronesian language that has been used as a lingua franca in the multilingual Indonesian archipelago for centuries. Indonesia is the fourth most populous nation in the world. Of its large population, the majority speak Indonesian, making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.  

The one of the most vital and potential language in the whole world is English. It is said that Japanese is not good at speaking English in the world. What is different from other countries? In other country, English is accepted as a second language. For Example, English is spoken as a second language in Philippines, or Quebec in Canada. It means these people speak two or three languages. From this information, I will mention about how these situations that two languages exist in one country at the same time, these situations are kept. I would like to think about whether Japan is possible to accept English as a second language or not.

There are bunches of online webpage which stores various words and dialects for the individuals who needs to take in English language from their own language. Among these, is such a special site that has given 1000 fundamental English words from Indonesian language that individuals are utilizing in their everyday life. In a research, an information is indicated that about 85% from the rundown are utilized in day by day discussion, which is gigantic in nature. The site will show the intricate details data about various dialects with English language. Individuals will be ready to prepare their cerebrum to make each day required sentences by using these words appropriately. Anybody can print the information webpage from this site in the event that they need. This site has demonstrated the best and straightforward path how to take in the English language from any sorts of language whenever for the any times of individuals. Each nutshell is put away there. Individuals will simply click and learn.

saya i

sebagai as

-nya his

bahwa that

dulu was

untuk for

di on

adalah are

dengan with

mereka they

menjadi be

di at

satu one

memiliki have

ini this

dari from

oleh by

panas hot

kata word

tapi but

apa what

adalah is

Itu it

kamu you

atau or

telah had

dari of

untuk to

dan and

Sebuah a

di in

kita we

bisa can

lain other

adalah were

melakukan do

mereka their

waktu time

jika if

akan will

bagaimana how

kata said

sebuah an

setiap each

menceritakan tell

ingin want

udara air

juga also

bermain play

akhir end

Baca read

tangan hand

Pelabuhan port

mengeja spell

Menambahkan add

tanah land

sini here

harus must

besar big

tinggi high


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